McSorley’s Irish Pale Ale Beer Tap Handle Bartender RARE Pristine Condition
Posted by admin on July 2nd 2023 @ 2:40 pm
At McSorley’s ale is well. McSorley’s Irish Pale Ale is from the old house at home. Established in 1854 in NYC and brewed by McSorley’s Brewery in Wilks-Barre, PA. Brewed in the tradition of the historic walls of McSorley’s Old Ale House. It took 116 years, the pressure of public opinion and ultimately the authority of a court order for McSorley’s to surrender. By the mid 1970s, McSorley’s allowed woman inside the bar at 15 E. 7th St for the very first time. Ah, but the owners did not completely forgo tradition, women would wait until 1986 to get their own restroom.
Post filed under mcsorley's and tagged bartender, beer, condition, handle, irish, mcsorley's, pale, pristine, rare.